

This VHDL code describes the top-level module for a lab exercise project named LabExercise3_Top. The module is designed to debounce input signals, encode them, and control the brightness of multiple LEDs based on the encoded values and switch positions.

Entity Declaration

The LabExercise3_Top entity has the following ports:

  • clk: Input clock signal.
  • rst: Input reset signal.
  • a, b: Input signals to be debounced and encoded.
  • sw: 2-bit input switch signal for selecting which LED to control.
  • en: Input enable signal.
  • led: 4-bit output signal for controlling the LEDs.


The architecture Behavioral includes the following components and signals:


  1. debounce: Debounces an input signal.

    • Ports:
      • button: Input signal to debounce.
      • clk: Clock signal.
      • rst: Reset signal.
      • debounced: Debounced output signal.
  2. encoder: Encodes the debounced signals into a count.

    • Ports:
      • clk: Clock signal.
      • rst: Reset signal.
      • a: Debounced input signal a.
      • b: Debounced input signal b.
      • count: Encoded output signal.
  3. led_control: Controls the brightness of an LED.

    • Ports:
      • clk: Clock signal.
      • rst: Reset signal.
      • en: Enable signal.
      • sel: Selection signal for the LED.
      • brightness: Input signal to control brightness.
      • led: LED output signal.


  • clk_buff: Buffer for clock division.
  • clk_div: Divided clock signal.
  • debounced_a, debounced_b, debounced_en: Debounced input signals.
  • adjust_pwm: Signal to adjust PWM for LED brightness.
  • led_en_state: Intermediate enable state for LEDs.

Processes and Mapping

  1. Clock Division: A process to divide the input clock signal to a lower frequency.

    • If reset is active, reset the clock division.
    • On the rising edge of the input clock, toggle the divided clock signal at a specific count.
  2. LED Enable State: The enable state for each LED is determined by the switch positions using a with select statement.

    • led_en_state is set based on the value of sw.
  3. Debounce and Encoder:

    • Debounce the input signals a and b.
    • Encode the debounced signals to produce the adjust_pwm signal.
  4. LED Control:

    • Debounce the enable signal en.
    • Control each LED based on the debounced enable signal, the switch positions, and the encoded brightness value.


This code requires the components debounce, encoder, and led_control to be defined elsewhere in the project.

Revision History

  • 0.01: Initial file creation on 05/19/2024 by Muhammad Shofuwan Anwar.

Additional Comments

  • The design assumes a 50 MHz input clock and divides it to a lower frequency for internal operations.
  • Adjust the clock division and debounce logic parameters as needed for different input clock frequencies or application requirements.


To use this module, instantiate it in a higher-level design and connect the appropriate signals as defined in the entity declaration.