
Web game developed using react and nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BillBoard 100 Guess the Order (ReactJS + NodeJS)


Given 3 songs from the Top 100 songs on the Billboard, prompt the user to order the songs in terms of their position on the Billboard and let them know if they were correct. Once the user is finished, let the user know how accurate they were in their guesses.


There are two folders, API and Front-End.

  1. To start, navigate to ../API and Front-End/billboard100game and do npm install for setup installations
  2. Then, start the backend services -> navigate to ../API/ and run command npm start in terminal
  3. After that, start front services -> navigate to ../Front-End/billboard100game and run command npm start in terminal


Possible Areas for growth

I think that there was several thing I could've done to improve this project. Design wise, I think it would've been great if I could include embedded youtube videos into the selections themselves. Furthermore, I would also want to deploy the code so that users who want to test out the function do not have to download and manually install and run each seperate functions


I throughly enjoyed working on the project, since it allowed me to further expressed what I have learnt over the summer. I think the end product is significantly better than what I had designed originally (using forms and not draggable). I also enjoyed learning how to web-scrape from scratch and realize the potential that web-scraping brings (and how easy it was to implement). It also brought me out of my comfort zones, since I am very much a back end developer (maybe you can see it through the messy front end codes?). I hope that when Change++ review my code, they see that I am able to do things that is outside my area of expertise and will commit time and effort to make it seems like I knew what I was doing.