
Primary LanguageTypeScript

PlusOne assignment

User Story

As a user, I want to be able to know which words are not English in my text so I can improve my English.



  • The English word check logic needs to happen on the backend side.
  • The frontend needs to be written in ReactJS.
  • The backend can be written in Ruby or Javascript or Typescript. The web framework can be chosen freely.
  • Any additional libraries are also allowed.
  • Git needs to be used as a version control system.
  • It needs to be done by November 6th. The repository can be shared on Github/Gitlab (publicly or privately with username dyoxyne).

Evaluation criteria

  • Correctness: Does it work as expected?
  • Code quality: Is it readable and well structured?


  • The solution is deployed on a cloud platform (AWS, GCP, Heroku…).

How to work with this code

Starting the UI

  1. cd word-checker/src
  3. npm start

Starting the API

  1. cd word-checker-api/src
  2. npm run build
  3. Download the dictionary.txt file into the runtime/ folder
  4. npm start-dev

Azure deployment and architecture

URL: https://salmon-ocean-0f3041f00.2.azurestaticapps.net

This solutions uses a staic single-page web application that calls an Azure hosted Node.js API written in TypeScript. The deployment is automated, using GitHub workflows. During deployment, there are several things that happen:

  • API
    1. Download source code
    2. Build application
    3. Download dictionary
    4. Create a package with the built code and the dictionary
    5. Push thе artifact to Azure
    6. Start the API
  • UI
    1. Download the source code
    2. Set an environmental variable containing the API URL
    3. Build the UI
    4. Create a package with the built static website's resources
    5. Upload to an Azure static web page service