
A basic implementation of RSA for Encryption/Decryption and SHA-1 for Hashing using Java, where upon running the program; the user would be prompted to select either one of these methods, then output the result based on the user's choice and input.

Primary LanguageJava

Quickstart Guide

  1. Copy all the contents from this repository.
  2. Open the CMSC125MP2.java file using an IDE, like NetBeans or Eclipse.
  3. Run the CMSC125MP2.java file
    • Upon running the file, the program should prompt you to select a certain method to be used, either RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) for encryption/decryption or SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) for hashing, and when you are done simply input 'exit' to leave the program.

Core Concept

  • Introduction to Computer Security and Protection


This program also accepts string characters (A-Z, a-z) as an input, other than numbers (0-9) only, or even a combination of both (numbers and strings).

Preview of RSA_SHA-1_Encryption-Decryption-Hashing Functionality

RSA Test Case (Numbers Only) RSA Test Case (String Characters Only) RSA Test Case (Numbers and Strings) SHA-1 Test Case (Numbers Only) SHA-1 Test Case (String Characters Only) SHA-1 Test Case (Numbers and Strings)