<student's name: Shokhjakhon Abdunabiev> <student's NEPTUN code: d2fdhs> Web-programming - JavaScript home assignment This solution was submitted by the stundent named above for a Web-programming assignment.

Hereby I declare that the solution is my own work. I did not copy or use solutions from a third party. I did not share this solution with fellow students and I did not publish it.

According to the Academic Regulations for Students (Eötvös Loránd University Organisational and Operational Regulations – Volume 2, Section 74/C), a student purpoting the intellectual property of others as their own [...] is committing a disciplinary offence.

The worst result of a disciplinary offence can be the expulsion of the student.

Minimum requirements (5 points)

[ x ] Listing page: Exists and displayed [ x ] Listing page: List all teams (1 point) [ x ] Listing page: By clicking on a team we get to the appropriate team details page (1 point) [ x ] Listing page: List all matches (0.5 points) [ x ] Team details: Team name is displayed (0.5 points) [ x ] Team details: Matches of the team appear with and without results (1 point) [ x ] Team details: Comments for the team appear (1 point)

Basic tasks (15 points)

[ x ] Listing page: List the last 5 matches (1 point) [ x ] Team details: In the match list for played matches (with result) the color is green, red, yellow for win, lose, draw, respectively (0.5 points) [ x ] Team details: New comment is disabled without login (0.5 points) [ x ] Team details: New comment is available after login (0.5 points) [ x ] Team details: Empty comment gives an error (0.5 points) [ x ] Team details: New comment is saved successfully (1 point) [ x ] Registration form: Contains appropriate elements (0.5 points) [ x ] Registration form: Validation, error messages, keeping the form state (1,5 pont) [ x ] Registration form: Successful registration (0.5 points) [ x ] Login: Handling errors (1 point) [ x ] Login: Successful login (1 point) [ x ] Admin: Admin can log in with the credentials of the admin user (0.5 points) [ x ] Admin: Modifying a match result can be done only with admin user (0.5 points) [ x ] Admin: Modifying a match result: validation, keeping form state, successful save (3 points) [ x ] Admin: Deleting a comment can be done only with admin user (0.5 points) [ x ] Admin: Deleting a comment is successful (1 point) [ x ] Nice, well-designed interface (1 point) [ ] 1 week delay (-6 points) [ ] Delay of more than 1 week (not accepted, no grade)

Extra tasks (plus 5 points)

[ x ] Listing page: Show the results of the next 5 matches with AJAX (2,5 pont) [ ] Team details: Mark as favorite (1 point) [ ] Listing page: List only the matches of the favorite teams (1 point) [ x ] Forms: error messages appear next to the form fields on forms (0.5 points)