
A simple password generator website made with Django. It can give you some really secure passwords(you can set the parameters), and can also check the security level of your existing passwords.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This website can generate a random, secure password that is not linked to any of your other passwords. It can also check the security level of a password.

You just need to enter the password requirements, i.e., password length, whether to include numbers, etc. and the password will get generated. To generate a new password with the same criteria, just reload the page.

Then you can check security of a password and have it rated by entering it onto the test security page.

This website is also live on the internet! You can see it at https://shonsave.pythonanywhere.com/

NOTE: Your passwords will not be stored anywhere, this site is completely safe and reliable. And you better write the password down somewhere, you might forget it.