Adapted task for Javascript:
Task: write a WKT format geometry writer and reader
You should write WKTWriter and WKTReader classes: WKTWriter method write takes Geometry object as an argument (types of objects will be Point, LineString, Polygon, GeometryCollection, MultiPoint, MultiLineString ali MultiPolygon) and returns a text stream (String) representing given geometry in WKT format. WKTReader method read takes a WKT formatted String, transformes in into a Geometry object and returns it.
Basic information about the format can be found on Wikipedia: Detailed information are available in OGC Simple Feature Access specifications. chapter 7 (first document at BNF notation in the document might be too complex, in which case you can use data from Wikipedia only.
The implementation should support 2D geometry objects (meaning you can ignore POINT Z, POINT M, POINT ZM in above mentioned documents). In specifications there are also some other types of geometries described, which are not implemented in the object model - ignore those also (triangle, polyhedralsurface, tin...).
Empty geometries are possible in object model so the implementation should support these (these are objects, created with constructor without parameters and returning true when called isEmpty()).
Some examples:
write(new Point(30, 10)) returns "POINT (30 10)"
write(new LineString()) returns "LINESTRING EMPTY"
write(new GeometryCollection(new Geometry[]{new Point(4,6), new LineString(new double[] {4,6,7,10})})) returns "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (4 6), LINESTRING (4 6, 7 10))"
Original task for Java:
Your task is to write a WKT format geometry writer and reader in Java.
The object model for geometries is implemented already and available in attached JAR file.
You should therefore write WKTWriter and WKTReader classes, using the attached templates.
WKTWriter method write takes Geometry object as an argument (types of objects will be Point, LineString, Polygon, GeometryCollection, MultiPoint, MultiLineString ali MultiPolygon) and returns a text stream (String) representing given geometry in WKT format.
WKTReader method read takes a WKT formatted String, transformes in into a Geometry object and returns it.
Basic information about the format can be found on Wikipedia: Detailed information are available in OGC Simple Feature Access specifications. chapter 7 (first document at BNF notation in the document might be too complex, in which case you can use data from Wikipedia only.
The implementation should support 2D geometry objects (meaning you can ignore POINT Z, POINT M, POINT ZM in above mentioned documents). In specifications there are also some other types of geometries described, which are not implemented in the object model - ignore those also (triangle, polyhedralsurface, tin...).
Empty geometries are possible in object model so the implementation should support these (these are objects, created with constructor without parameters and returning true when called isEmpty()).
Some examples:
write(new Point(30, 10)) returns "POINT (30 10)"
write(new LineString()) returns "LINESTRING EMPTY"
write(new GeometryCollection(new Geometry[]{new Point(4,6), new LineString(new double[] {4,6,7,10})})) returns "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (4 6), LINESTRING (4 6, 7 10))"
Some further links if required: