
Input Files for the Tool Assisted Speedrun of Escape Goat 2

Escape Goat 1 & 2 TAS Files

Input File

Format for the input file is (Frames),(Actions) ie) 35,R,J (For 35 frames, hold Right and Jump)

Actions Available

  • R = Right
  • L = Left
  • U = Up
  • D = Down
  • J = Jump / Confirm
  • Z = Dash
  • E = Henry
  • H = Hat/Hammer
  • S = Start
  • C = Cancel
  • X = Reset Room
  • *** = Playback inputs at max speed till this point and then go into freeze frame


  • Controller:

    • Start/Stop Inputs: R3

    • During Playback of Inputs:

      • Freeze/Next Frame: DPad Up
      • Resume Normal Speed: DPad Down
      • Continual Playback (Up to 1x when in Freeze Frame Mode, up to 10x when in Normal Playback): Right Analog X+
  • Keyboard:

    • Start/Stop Inputs: Right Control + [

    • During Playback of Inputs:

      • Freeze/Next Frame: ]
      • Resume Normal Speed: [
      • Continual Playback (0.5x speed when in Freeze Frame Mode, 10x when in Normal Playback): Right Shift + Right Control