
Run integration test easily

Primary LanguageTypeScriptISC LicenseISC


Make Node.js integration testing easy!

npm version Dependencies API Continuous Integration


Install via npm

npm install integratify

or via yarn

yarn add integratify


const integratify = require('integratify');
import * as integratify from 'integratify';



You can set a global configuration that will used for all tests. Adviced to set this in a configuration file running before each test file. This is optional

import { setConfiguration } from 'integratify';

  dataPath: 'data',
  schemaValidator: (data, schema) => myValidationFunc(data, schema),


You can always overwrite any global configuration per test suite when initializing your Integratify test runner.

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

const testRunner = integratify(app, {
  prefix: '/api/auth', // Optional prefix for every url path
  dataPath: 'data', // Optional path where actual data will be placed on.
  schemaValidator: (data, schema) => myValidationFunc(data, schema), // Function to validate data against a schema

Getting Started

Run api tests

// test.config.ts
import { setConfiguration } from 'integratify';

  dataPath: 'data',
  schemaValidator: (data, schema) => myValidationFunc(data, schema),

// login.test.ts
const testRunner = integratify(app, {
  prefix: '/auth',
  dataPath: 'customDataPath', // Will overwrite global setting

describe('POST /login', () => {
  it('Should successfully log in existing user', async () => {
    const { status, header, body } = await testRunner
        payload: { username, password }, // Optional body
        query: { ... }, // Optional query parameters
        headers: { ... }, // Optional headers
        file: { name: 'fileName.png', value: '...' }, // Optional file
        status: 200,
        schema: loginOutsputSchema,
        matchObject: { username: expect.any(String)}
        matchObjectInArray:  { username: expect.any(String)},
        toEqual:  { username: expect.any(String)};
        length: 1,
        spies: [
          fetchSpy, // Will validate whether called once
          { spy: firebaseSpy, amount: 1 },
        error: new BadRequestError(errors.THIS_WAS_NOT_OK),
        paths: [
          { 'meta.count': 10 },
          { 'meta.totalCount': 250 },

Available Options

.post .get .put .patch .delete

Key Type Description Allowed value(s)
payload string/object Body payload any string/object
query string/object Query payload any string/object
headers object Custom headers any object
file object File payload { name: string, value: any }


Key Type Description Allowed value(s)
status number HTTP status valid HTTP status code
schema any Validation schema Expected schema for schemaValidator configuration property
matchObject object .toMatchObject any object
matchObjectInArray object Matches an object within an array any object
toEqual any .toEqual any
length number Matches length of response number
spies object Checks whether specific spies got called [mySpy] or [{ spy: mySpy, amount: 2 }]
error Error Potential error to validate against Javascript Error
paths object Validate custom return keys besides dataPath {'meta.count': 1}

Error support for @tree-house/errors.

To Do

Unfortunately no time could be found yet to add automated tests. This is the first thing planned now we have a stable version 3 released.


You can run npm run test to run all tests You can run npm run test:coverage to run all tests with coverage report


See the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE.md file for details