
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Shadowenv for Visual Studio Code

This extension adds support for Shadowenv to VS Code, including:

  • Auto-load the environment if the directory is trusted
  • Prompt to trust the directory if not already trusted
  • Auto-detect creation, change, and deletion of Shadowlisp, reloading the environment.


This extension needs Shadowenv installed to work. Please see the Shadowenv documentation for more details.


Via Quick Open:

  1. Download, install and open VS Code
  2. Press cmd+p to open the Quick Open dialog
  3. Type ext install shadowenv
  4. Click the Install button, then the Enable button

Via the Extensions tab:

  1. Click the extensions tab or press cmd+shift+x
  2. Search for shadowenv
  3. Click the Install button, then the Enable button

Via the command line:

  1. Open a command-line prompt
  2. Run code --install-extension Shopify.vscode-shadowenv


The following describes the usage of this extension that is automatically enabled each time you open up VS Code.


In order to run a command press cmd+shift+p to view the Command Palette. There type:

  • shadowenv trust to trust and load the local Shadowenv
  • shadowenv --version to view the current shadowenv version


For any bugs and feature requests please open an issue. For code contributions please create a pull request. Enjoy!


  1. Make sure you bump the version in package.json, update the CHANGELOG.md
  2. Tag the new version
  3. log in to or create account on dev.azure.com
  4. Get @burke or someone else who has done a release to add you to the Shopify publisher (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/manage/publishers/Shopify)
  5. Click the "I already have an account" button; don't go to portal.azure.com
  6. Click the settings icon right next to your avatar after logged in; Personal Access Tokens
  7. New Token > All Accessible Organizations, Full access
  8. npm config set prefix ~/nodewhatever
  9. npm install -g vsce
  10. ~/nodewhatever/bin/vsce package
  11. vsce login Shopify (then paste token)
  12. vsce publish