
a face match backend service

Primary LanguagePython


A face match backend service

About the project

The facial recognition system assesses the similarity between two faces and provides a percentage as a result. This percentage indicates the confidence level of the system that the two faces are a match. The algorithm uses the Euclidean distance between corresponding points on both faces. The tolerance level has been set to 0.5 which is a level stricter than the default 0.6.

  • A match_value of 0% suggests that there is no resemblance or match between the two faces being compared – they are completely different.
  • A match_value of 100% means there is a perfect match; the system is fully confident that the two faces are identical.
  • A match_value above 0% and up to 100% denotes some degree of similarity between the two faces.

However, due to the potential for false positives and the sensitivity of the system, values below 5% are usually treated as no match to increase the system's reliability. This means that while there might be a very slight resemblance, it is not considered significant enough to denote a match.

Therefore, a match is only confirmed if match_value > 5%.

How to run the project locally

  • Fork this repository to have a copy of it in your own github account

  • Clone the forked repo to your PC, this gives you access to the repo locally

  • Install Python from https://www.python.org/downloads/ if you haven't

  • cd into the project folder

  • cd into the backend folder

  • Ensure a virtual environment has been created and activated by either using

python -m venv venv # to create a virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate # activate for linux
venv\Scripts\activate # activate for windows
  • Install all dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the command below to start the server
uvicorn app:app --reload