Mid course test task Tasks create VMs two T2 VM that runs nginx two T2 VM that runs pet clinic app one RDS VM that runs MySQL create one S3 Bucket Create LB first to balance the loads from user connection to the nginx server second to balance the load between the app servers Security Group the world can connect to the nginx servers only through port 8080 the nginx servers can connect to the app servers the app servers can connect to the RDS DB server the RDS server can connect the DB server write a script that take the data that got to the DB server write it into a file and send it to the Bucket For more info check the pdf file ____________________________________________________________________________________ First you will need to install AWS CLI 2 , via the amazon official site. Use in commend line : aws configure Input the following data : AWS Access Key ID [None]: accesskey AWS Secret Access Key [None]: secretkey Default region name [None]: your required region name Default output format [None]: json Generate key-pair for EC2. Write down the key-pair name in ec2.tf in lines [17, 31, 52] and make sure the pem file is located next to the main.tf #run this before commiting the first time and it will remember your credential for the session git config --global credential.helper cache __________________________________________________________ steps done created VPC Created 3 security groups created two LB