Primary LanguagePython

Code of KDD2024 paper: Dataset Regeneration for Sequential Recommendation

This repo will be refactored within few weeks!

Procedure to reproduce

  • Download datasets
  • Preprocess dataset with scirpts in dataset/
    • Amazon: dataset/preprocess_single.ipynb
    • Yelp: dataset/preprocess_yelp.ipynb
  • Regenerating dataset with DR4SR
    • Construct the pre-training task
      • Generate rule-based pattern with pattern_generator_seq2seq.ipynb
      • Build connection between the original sequences and the patterns with find_relation.ipynb
    • Pre-train the regenerator with translation_condition2.ipynb
    • Regenerate dataset segments by the hybrid inference in inference_con2.py
    • Merge dataset in generate_data.ipynb
  • Run target models based on the regenerated dataset
    • python run.py -m BACKBONE -d DATASET
    • 'BACKBONE' includes [GRU4Rec, SASRec, FMLP, GNN, CL4SRec]
  • Run target models based on the personalized version of the regenerated dataset
    • Change 'sub_model' option to one of the target models in configs/metamodel7.yaml
    • python run.py -m MetaModel7 -d DATASET

Note: We use post padding ([1,2,3] -> [1,2,3,0,0]) for all target models except FMLP. And we use pre padding for FMLP ([1,2,3] -> [0,0,1,2,3]), which is consistent with the original implementation of FMLP. This is because we find the previous pre-processing will lead to terrible results of FMLP. This may be related to property of the FFT operation. Therefore, we should run dataset/dataset_transform.ipynb to transform all datasets for FMLP.