dein uses lua even when lua is not installed.
krischik opened this issue · 2 comments
Problems summary
deim aborts load_state with with "lua53.dll not found" error on windows system:
deim starts without the need to install lua.
Environment Information (Required!)
dein.vim version(SHA1):
Windows 10
- neovim/Vim
VIM - Vi IMproved 9.0 (2022 Jun 28 kompiliert am Jun 28 2022 12:46:00)
MS-Windows 32 Bit GUI Version mit OLE-Unterstützung
Übersetzt von mool@tororo
Riesige Version mit GUI. Ein- (+) oder ausschließlich (-) der Eigenschaften:
+acl +ex_extra +mzscheme/dyn +tcl/dyn
+arabic +extra_search +netbeans_intg -termguicolors
+autocmd -farsi +num64 +terminal
+autochdir +file_in_path +ole -termresponse
+autoservername +find_in_path +packages +textobjects
+balloon_eval +float +path_extra +textprop
-balloon_eval_term +folding +perl/dyn -tgetent
+browse -footer +persistent_undo +timers
++builtin_terms +gettext/dyn +popupwin +title
+byte_offset -hangul_input -postscript +toolbar
+channel +iconv/dyn +printer +user_commands
+cindent +insert_expand +profile +vartabs
+clientserver +ipv6 +python/dyn +vertsplit
+clipboard +job +python3/dyn +vim9script
+cmdline_compl +jumplist +quickfix +viminfo
+cmdline_hist +keymap +reltime +virtualedit
+cmdline_info +lambda +rightleft +visual
+comments +langmap +ruby/dyn +visualextra
+conceal +libcall +scrollbind +vreplace
+cryptv +linebreak +signs -vtp
+cscope +lispindent +smartindent +wildignore
+cursorbind +listcmds -sodium +wildmenu
+cursorshape +localmap +sound +windows
+dialog_con_gui +lua/dyn +spell +writebackup
+diff +menu +startuptime -xfontset
+digraphs +mksession +statusline -xim
+directx +modify_fname -sun_workshop +xpm_w32
-dnd +mouse +syntax -xterm_save
-ebcdic +mouseshape +tag_binary
+emacs_tags +multi_byte_ime/dyn -tag_old_static
+eval +multi_lang -tag_any_white
Provide a minimal init.vim/vimrc without plugin managers (Required!)
" Your minimal .vimrc
set runtimepath+=/Users/martin/vimfiles/bundles/repos/
"if dein#load_state('/Users/martin/vimfiles/bundles')
How to reproduce the problem from neovim/Vim startup (Required!)
- type gvim in cmd.exe
Screen shot (if possible)
Upload the log messages by :redir
and :message
(if errored)
Fehler beim Ausführen von "function dein#load_state[1]..dein#min#load_state[2]..dein#min#_init":
Zeile 49:
E370: Konnte Bibliothek lua53.dll nicht laden
Lua bibliothek kann nicht geladen werden.
Translation: "E370: Library lua53.dll not loaded"
Ignore it. An old version left behind on the system was started instead of the current vim 9.0.
It seems Vim's bug. The if statement must be skipped in Vim.