- 1
VIM Plugins with the `<some_name>/vim` format result in duplicate plugin error.
#519 opened by symbolix - 2
Error in dein lua script
#516 opened by zdm - 0
In the hooks_file, if a marker that you want to use purely as a folding marker is nested in a marker that contains a hook_name, it will not be parsed correctly.
#514 opened by kurokoji - 5
- 1
README setup example fails with errors
#511 opened by HaleTom - 4
An error occurs if there is a newline in the dictionary of the Vim9 script loaded in the hooks_file.
#507 opened by hokorobi - 6
lua stack overflow if together with lazy.nvim ?
#506 opened by aceforeverd - 3
E723 occurs when there is a line continuation in the argument of extend() in a file read by hooks_files
#503 opened by hokorobi - 2
#502 opened by yasunori0418 - 2
Error on install with neovim-0.9
#500 opened by bonderado - 2
- 1
Config example error
#491 opened by zsaw - 0
[Suggestion] update Github Issue & PR Template
#489 opened by santosned - 2
An error on dein#update()
#488 opened by Dzzt - 3
Race of nvim-treesitter automatic installation
#484 opened by e-kwsm - 0
Omit the dein setup script prompts.
#486 opened by mofmofmofneko - 1
ANSI ESC[30m invisible in certain Terminal setups
#475 opened by samyilin - 4
Change ANSI escape to \033 and get rid of -e flag
#480 opened by samyilin - 2
`[ftplugin]` in toml is not loaded
#473 opened by uga-rosa - 8
Suggestion to improve documentation
#471 opened by santosned - 1
Suggestion to improve installation process
#467 opened by santosned - 0
some case returned different module in `on_lua`.
#465 opened by kuuote - 2
dein uses lua even when lua is not installed.
#468 opened by krischik - 1
[Advice] How about add this plugin manager to ?
#464 opened by Freed-Wu - 1
g:dein#types#git#clone_depth not working
#463 opened by so1ar - 1
- 7
- 6
Timing of execution of `s:LoadFTPlugin()` changes when a plugin is lazy loaded
#460 opened by yuki-yano - 7
- 2
Plugins are not sourced when installing them after VimEnter, but `dein#is_sourced` returns `1`
#459 opened by Matts966 - 3
[Discussion] equivalence of example .vimrc in Lua?
#456 opened by SichangHe - 2
How to install on unix ?
#454 opened by lewisadm - 4
- 4
Neovim's delete() function bug where it cannot handle a file name that looks like a pattern creates issues for `dein#recache_runtimepath`
#437 opened by PanagiotisS - 2
#449 opened by mirachan010 - 0
#448 opened by mirachan010 - 4
- 5
Problems under windows
#446 opened by zdm - 7
Command not found
#443 opened by nabezokodaikon - 3
- 1
Lua's script is pulled into ftdetec.vim
#441 opened by Martins3 - 2
- 4
[bug] conflict with vimtex
#429 opened by Freed-Wu - 1
Unite source `dein:!` is broken
#436 opened by pi-rho - 1
post_source hook fires as a part of `dein#end()`
#435 opened by pi-rho - 0
Error in `dein#load_state()`, if lazy loading ftdetect plugin that called autload
#432 opened by Milly - 1
Plug-in may not work if unnecessary "lazy" is set
#431 opened by yuki-yano - 2
- 19
LSP misbehave when using dein-option "on_ft"
#428 opened by dimbtp - 3
Lazy loaded previm breaks lightline.vim when displaying function information by LSP
#427 opened by Omochice