
This program includes Data Loading, Conversion, and Database Backup functions. Users can upload csv files, navigate cells, and create, delete, and backup files. Thank you for using it!

Primary LanguageVisual Basic .NETMIT LicenseMIT


This program includes Data Loading, Conversion, and Database Backup functions. Users can upload csv files, navigate cells, and create, delete, and backup files. Thank you for using it!

 1.) Program allows users to upload data in csv format, which can be displayed using DataGrid tool. 
 2.) The program also offers the functionality to clear the contents of the Data Grid Table, 
 3.) Go to a specific cell with inputs- number of column and row, 
 4.) Delete a csv file with specifying the location of the file. 
 5.) Users can also perform a database backup and specify the location of the backup file. 
 6.) The location of the focused cell is displayed dynamically as text. 
 7.) In addition, the program allows users to delete a specified row or column by inputting the number of the column or row. 
 8.) Finally, users can create a new csv file and ability to specify the number of rows and columns for the new file.
 9.) Final stretch, the function export can be accessed across modules, lets say we want to call the BackupCsvButton_Click() method from Form2 in Form3 under a button.
  form2.BackupCsvButton_Click(sender, e)

See youtube video -----> https://youtu.be/tTRHd7QQkkw