
Lazerpay Unofficial Golang SDK

Primary LanguageGo

Lazerpay SDK for Go [UNOFFICIAL]


go get github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk

This SDK is built so you can import relavant namespace(s) only.

Exported sub-packages

  • go get github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk/payment
  • go get github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk/payment-link
  • go get github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk/transfer
  • go get github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk/swap
  • github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk/misc

With the base at:

  • go get github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk



  import "github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk"

  func main() {
    config := lazerpay.Config{
      apiPubKey: LAZER_PUBLIC_KEY,
      apiSecKey: LAZER_SECRET_KEY,
      Live: true,

Making API calls


Initialize Payment

This describes to allow your customers to initiate a crypto payment transfer.

  import "github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk/payment"

  client := payment.New(config)

  arg := &payment.InitPaymentReq{
    Reference: uniqueID,
    CustomerName: "Samuel Shoyemi",
    CustomerEmail: "samwise858@gmail.com",
    Coin: "USDT",
    Currency: "USD",
    Amount: 100,
    AcceptPartialPayment: true,
    Metadata:  map[string]string{"type": "Wallet fund"},
  resp, err := client.InitializePayment(arg)
  if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("unexpected error occured; err: %v", err)
  fmt.Printf("response: %v", resp)

Confirm Payment

This describes to allow you confirm your customers transaction after payment has been made.

  arg := &payment.VerifyPaymentReq{
    Identifier: uniqueID,
  resp, err := client.VerifyPayment(arg)
  if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("unexpected error occured; err: %v", err)
  fmt.Printf("response: %v", resp)

Payment Links

Create a payment link

This describes to allow you create a Payment link programatically

  import (
	  paymentlink "github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk/payment-link"
	client = paymentlink.New(config)

	arg := &paymentlink.CreatePaymentLinkReq{
    Title:       "test link",
    Description: "lorem ipsum",
    Logo:        "https://assets.audiomack.com/fireboydml/bbbd8710eff038d4f603cc39ec94a6a6c2c5b6f4100b28d62557d10d87246f27.jpeg?width=340&height=340&max=true",
    RedirectURL: "",
    Amount:      100,
    Currency:    "USD",
    Type:        "standard",
  resp, err := client.CreatePaymentLink(arg)
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf(`error: %v\n`, err)
  fmt.Printf("response: %v\n\n", resp)

Update a payment link

This describes disabling or enabling a payment link by updating it

  arg := &paymentlink.UpdatePaymentLinkReq{
    Status:     "inactive",
    Identifier: uniqueID,
  resp, err := client.UpdatePaymentLink(arg)
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf(`error: %v\n`, err)
  fmt.Printf("response: %v\n\n", resp)

Get all payment links

This describes to allow you get all Payment links created

  resp, err := client.GetAllPaymentLinks()
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf(`error: %v\n`, err)
  fmt.Printf("response: %v\n\n", resp)

Get a single payment link

This describes to allow you get a Payment link by it's identifier

	arg := &paymentlink.GetPaymentLinkReq{
			Identifier: uniqueID,
  resp, err := client.GetPaymentLink(arg)
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf(`error: %v\n\n`, err)
  fmt.Printf("response: %v\n\n", resp)

Crypto Payout

This describes to allow you withdraw the crypto in their lazerpay balance to an external address

	import "github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk/transfer"

	client = transfer.New(config)

  arg := &transfer.TransaferCryptoReq{
    Reference:  uniqueID,
    Amount:     100,
    Recipient:  "0x0B4d358D349809037003F96A3593ff9015E89efA",
    Coin:       "USDT",
    Blockchain: "Binance Smart Chain",
    Metadata:   map[string]string{"type": "Crypto transfer"},
  resp, err := client.TransferCrypto(arg)
  if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("unexpected error occured; err: %v", err)
  fmt.Printf("response: %v", resp)


Crypto swap

This describes to allow you swap swap between two stable coins

	import "github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk/swap"

  client := swap.New(config)

  arg := &swap.CryptoSwapReq{
    Reference:  uniqueID,
    Amount:     100,
    FromCoin:   "BUSD",
    ToCoin:     "USDT",
    Blockchain: "Binance Smart Chain",
  resp, err := client.CryptoSwap(arg)
  if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("unexpected error occured; err: %v", err)
  fmt.Printf("response: %v\n\n", resp)

Get Crypto Swap Amount Out

This describes the amount you will receive on swap even before initiating the swap

  import "github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk/swap"

  client := swap.New(config)

  arg := &swap.GetCryptoSwapAmountOutReq{
    Amount:     100,
    FromCoin:   "BUSD",
    ToCoin:     "USDT",
    Blockchain: "Binance Smart Chain",
  resp, err := client.GetCryptoSwapAmountOut(arg)
  if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("unexpected error occured; err: %v", err)
  fmt.Printf("response: %v\n\n", resp)


Get Accepted Coins

This gets the list of accepted cryptocurrencies on Lazerpay

  import "github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk/misc"

  client := misc.New(config)

  resp, err := client.GetAcceptedCoins()
  if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("unexpected error occured; err: %v", err)
  fmt.Printf("response: %v", resp)

Get Wallet Balance

Get get wallet balance by specifying the coin

  import "github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk/misc"

  client := misc.New(config)

  arg := &misc.GetWalletBalanceReq{
    Coin: "USDT",
  resp, err := client.GetWalletBalance(arg)
  if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("unexpected error occured; err: %v", err)
  fmt.Printf("response: %v", resp)

Get Rate

This allow you get the rate of a particular coin to fiat or fiat to coin

  import "github.com/ShowBaba/lazerpay-go-sdk/misc"

  client := misc.New(config)

  arg := &misc.GetRateReq{
    Coin: "USDT",
		Currency: "USDT",
  resp, err := client.GetRate(arg)
  if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("unexpected error occured; err: %v", err)
  fmt.Printf("response: %v\n\n", resp)