
It's a simple dapp built on Ethereum and deployed on Sepolia testnet

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Main Dashboard Screenshot0 Deposit 10000 wei Screenshot0 Withdraw 7000 wei Screenshot0 Bank Owner Dashboard Screenshot0

Decentralised Bank App built on Ethereum and deployed on Sepolia Testnet. The working app can be seen here


In order for the bank owner section to work in your local machine, you need to deploy the contract with YOUR address on sepolia testnet.
If the bank owner functionalities are not needed then you can remove the code from the files enclosed in these:


Table of Contents

Getting Started

Follow these steps to get the dapp running on your local machine

Built With

  • HTML - Used for creating structure of the webpage
  • Bootstrap - Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS.
  • Nodejs - It is used as backend and run the server for DApp
  • Solidity - Solidity is a programming language used to build smart contracts on EVM based blockchains.
  • Remix IDE - It is an IDE used to test/debug/develop/deploy solidity smart contracts.
  • Web3j - It is a library to interact with smart contracts from javascript application
  • Metamask - It is a crypto wallet used to send/receive crypto assessts as well as sign the transactions while interacting with DApps
  • Netlify - Instantly build and deploy your sites to our global network from Git. Custom domains, https, deploy previews, rollbacks and much more.

    Table of Contents


  1. Check if node is installed and up-to-date

    node -v
    npm -v
  2. Install metamask browser extension from (https://metamask.io/)

  3. Have sufficient Sepolia Ethers in your metamask wallet
    You can get free test Ethers from (https://sepoliafaucet.com/)

    Table of Contents

Run DApp

  1. Fork this repo by clicking Fork button in top-right corner of this web page. Continue to follow instruction steps from your own ethereum-bank-dapp repo.

  2. Clone your own ethereum-bank-dapp repo. Copy the link from the "Clone or download" button near the top right of this repo's home page.
    (You can even clone this repo without forking it, so you can skip step 1)

  3. After cloning use this command to install all the required modules

    cd ethereum-bank-dapp
    npm install
  4. Run the dapp using this command

    node server.js 

You can check for the deployed smart contract here (https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0xe1cF6d7343e9660c77b02aF664135c94d8fa67D6)

Table of Contents


Dapp World
Ganesh Deshpande CTO, DApp World

Course Link - Ethereum DApp Development : Beginner

My dapp-world profile: Shoydon
