
This is a scientific calculator project and the GUI is made using Java Sswing

Primary LanguageJava

Scientific Calculator using Java Swing

This is a scientific calculator project and the GUI is made using Java Sswing

Instructions To Use The Calculator

  1. Enter the first number by clicking the buttons.
  2. Enter the desired operation to be performed.
  3. Enter the second number in the similar manner.
  4. Press the '=' button to get the result.
  5. Press the 'AC' button to clear the display.
  6. Press the 'DEL' button to delete the last digit of the number.
  7. Press the '+' button to find the sum of two numbers.
  8. Press the '-' button to find the difference of the two numbers.
  9. Press the 'X' button to find the product of the two numbers.
  10. Press the '/' button to divide the first number by second.
  11. Press the 'x^y' button to get the value of a number raised to a certain power.
  12. Press the '<-' button to get the previous answer