Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Primary LanguageC++


Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Algorithm: Merge Sort.

Merge Function

Create a temporary array to store the sorted list (b)
Create and initialise three pointers, i = lower bound, j = mid + 1, k = 0
While(arr[i] <= mid && arr[j]), iterate through the sub-lists
If(arr[i] <= arr[j]), b[k] = arr[i], increment i & k
Else, b[k] = arr[j], increment j & k
While (j <= upper bound), b[k] = arr[j]
While (I <= mid), b[k] = arr[i]
Transfer elements of temporary array in the original one

Merge Sort Function

If (lower bound < upper bound), mid = (lower + upper) / 2
Recursively call the mergeSort function to keep creating 2 sub-lists until there is only one element left
Call the merge function to perform 2 Way merging on the two sub-lists


Merge sort is an example of Divide and Conquer algorithm
It forms a tree structure
The height of the tree is O(logn), where n is the number of elements in the array
‘n’ elements are merged at every level of the tree/pass
The time complexity for worst and average case is O(n*logn)