
Discord bot written in Python to interact with Axie Infinity

Primary LanguagePython

Pyaxie bot




A python discord bot to help you manage your Axie Infinity scholarships.
This is based on my other Axie project : Pyaxie which is a python lib to interact with Axie world.

If you don't have the API URL for Axies informations, some of the functionalities will not work.
You will have to find this by yourself and then add it in secret.yaml as it is forbidden to make it public in Axie ToS.

If you encounter a problem or have a question, you can join the discord server : https://discord.gg/gqaSv2PZbF

As I'm adding a bit every day, you'll have to update the project as much as you can (infos in the discord).
Here is a command to easily update : mv secret.yaml asecret.yaml; git pull; mv asecret.yaml secret.yaml With this command, you'll not have to write the config in secret.yaml again

BOT commands

"Commands for everybody :"

"$infos = Send all the infos about your account "
"$qr = Send your QR code "
"$mmr = Send your current MMR "
"$rank = Send your current rank"
"$axies = Send the list of axies of your account"
"$axies 506011891353903121 = Send axies list of given discord ID"
"$profile = Send the link of your Axie Infinity profile"
"$all_profile = Send a link of every Axie account in the scholarship"
"$self_payout = To claim and payout for yourself. Send to the personal address you gave to your manager."

"Commands for manager :"

"$claim 506011891353903121 = Claim for the given discord ID"
"$all_claim = Claim for all the scholars"
"$all_mmr = Send scholar list sorted by MMR "
"$all_rank = Send scholar list sorted by rank "
"$payout = Send the available SLP to manager and scholars "
"$payout me = Send all scholarship SLP directly to manager account with no split"
"$transfer 0xfrom_address 0xto_address amount = Transfer amount SLP from from_address to to_address"
"$breed_infos = How much does it cost to breed now. You can also specify a breed lvl (0-6)"
"$breed_cost 123456 = How much did you spent breeding an axie. (take AXS/SLP prices from time of breed)"
"$account_balance ronin_address = Balance of specified account"
"$all_account_balance = Balance of all the accounts in the scholarship"
"$all_address = Get all the addresses in the scholarship"


Thanks to ZracheSs for his Payout and QR script code. And thanks to Andy for his help with debug !

My ronin address : ronin:f561bb92d33e4feaae617a182264a4c7d7272948
My ethereum address : 0x60900b1740E9e164137Db9b982d9681A2E74446c

ZracheSs ronin address : ronin:a04d88fbd1cf579a83741ad6cd51748a4e2e2b6a
ZracheSs ethereum address : 0x3C133521589daFa7213E5c98C74464a9577bEE01
