LoadRunner to JMeter converter V3.0 is built on python2.7.
How to use the converter:
- Download the exe (LR_to_jmeter_v2.exe)
- Run “LR_to_jmeter_v2.exe”
- Provide absolute path to the Loadrunner script
- Provide a location to save the logs and converted file
- Converted requests are saved to “converted_lines.log”, the jmx is saved as output.jmx
NOTE: warning/Errors will be displayed on the console and will not be saved to file
Note: correlation and text checks are added as a parent node to the request. Error handling will be improved in next versions.
Known issues:
- Multiple line post (web_custom_request) are converted with missing “” and extra “\”
- lr_start_transaction with "'" in the transaction name is throwing error
Fixed issues:
- path will be processed only if {url}://{servername:port} is present in the action of either web_submit_data or web_custom_request
- web_reg_save_param is misinterpreted at times
- ordinal in web_reg_save_param_regex
- warning will be dispalyed if web_reg_find has save_count
- Sample hirerarchy is managed while converting
New features:
- web_submit_form, web_link are handelled
- Creates If and while condition with "true" as condition
- Reads complete Loadrunner file to process all the .c files
- CSV dataset read will be created with param names and file linking
- Parameters are added to http_request_defaults and test plan to ease parameterization
- Support for Delete, PUT methods in http request
- longer LB, Rb are handelled more efficiently