- The dataset has 2225 News and all are labeled.
- There are 5 different categories for these news.
- Even though the news are labeled, they will be used to test it after prediction.
- The all labels will be predicted by unsupervised learning.
- The two different libraries are used to predcit news' classes.
- 1) Word2Vec
- Firstly, the prediction is done without cleaning the words, just stopwords will be removed.
- Also, the two different stem algorithms will be used to clean words and will be compared all results.
- The purpose of stemming is removing inflection in words. For expample, 'loves' ---> 'love'
- The stemming libraries ---> WordNetLemmatizer and PorterStemmer (There are more than these 2)
- Lastly, nltk.kmeansclusterer library is used to predict clusters.
- 2) TfidfVectorizer
- This library more convenient than first one because we didn't use any stemming algorithm because it is not necessary.
- Kmeans library is used to predict clusters.
- Direct prediction
- Parameter tuning