Mining Tweets from twitter & perform NLP analysis & Pulse check
This is a quick and dirty way to get a sense of what's trending on Twitter related to a particular Topic. For my use case, I am focusing on the city of Seattle but you can easily apply this to any topic.
This Notebook:
- Scrapes Tweets related to the Topic mentioned.
- Extracts relevant Tags from the text (NER: Named Entity Recognition).
- Does Sentiment Analysis on those Tweets.
- Provides some visualizations in an interactive format to get a 'pulse' of what's happening.
Tweepy - scrape Twitter data.
Flair - NER / Sentiment Analysis.
Seaborn - visualizations.
The Twitter scrape code here was taken from: My thanks to the author.
We need to provide a Search term and a Max Tweet count. Twitter lets you to request 45,000 tweets every 15 minutes so setting something below that works.