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Recommender Systems are the systems designed to that are designed to recommend things to the user based on many different factors. These systems predict the most likely product that the users are most likely to purchase and are of interest to. Recommendations typically speed up searches and make it easier for users to access content they’re interested in, and surprise them with offers they would have never searched for. In this project work, we explore the use of Reinforcement Learning based techniques to solve the problem of Movie Recommendation. We have implemented the following strategies: Multi Armed Bandits based recommender and an Actor-Critic based recommender framework using Deep Reinforcement Learning.
A Machine learning based Bitcoin Price prediction on Yahoo Finance data using classification models like SVM , Logistic Regression, Random Forest and the Time series regression model ARIMA . The project added additional features relevant to the domain and has performed extensive time series tests and analysis.
Implemented in Python,the project uses Unsupervised learning model to classify the transaction data of customers into clusters based on similarity.The project includes Exploratory Data Analysis,Cohort Analysis to analyze people belonging to different cohorts, RFM Analysis to dig deeper into the purchasing pattern and retention of people ,Association Mining and most importantly clustering of customers using the " K-Means Clustering" algorithm. Libraries such as Pandas,numpy, matplotlib,seaborn etc were used to handle data and aid the visualizations.
hackon 2.0 project
A simple Bank Management Application written in C++ that implements the concepts of Object Oriented Programming and File Handling such as Insertion , deletion and updation of files.
A Real Time Twitter Analysis application that uses a Kafka broker to consume data from Twitter using Tweepy and stores it in a Kakfa Broker . The consumer is a Spark Streaming Application that ingests streaming data from Kakfa Topics, performs analysis and writes them into Elasticsearch and Kibana for visualization.
A Parts of Speech Tagger trained on Wall Street Journal 's vocabulary using a Hidden Markov Model . Predictions are made possible by passing the Transition and Emission probabilities of the Hidden Markov Model to the Viterbi Algorithm that makes forward and backward propagation on the test corpus to generate the best sequence of POS tags for a given sentence .
Library Management System created using Flask and MySQL database
Created a neural network without tensorflow/pytorch using MNSIT dataset to predict handwritten digits.
Unity Open Project #1: Action-adventure
A website made using flask to predict the species of Iris flowers using both Quantum KNN and Classical KNN algorithm,thereby easily comparing them.
Using Java and MySQL
A repo where you can find codes for preprocessing data like splitting,combining multiple versions, and also training and streaming the predictions over a video.