
Automatically start ngrok using systemd on Ubuntu

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Installation - Manual

  1. Install ngrok v3+ using apt/snap as on ngrok's download page.
  2. Authenticate ngrok as per ngrok's getting started page. Add the ssh tunnel to ngrok's config file. Default location is: ~/.config/ngrok/ngrok.yml.
  3. (Alternate to step 2) Copy the ngrok.yml config file in this repo to ~/.config/ngrok/ and replace the authtoken in file with own.
  4. Find the location of the ngrok executable using whereis ngrok and edit the ExecStart parameter in the ngrok.service file accordingly.
  5. Run the manual install script: sudo manual_install.sh (or execute commands therein yourself). It copies the service file to the right location and enables the ngrok service using systemctl.
  6. Check the executable logs with sudo journalctl -u ngrok.service.

Installation - Orig

  1. Clone this repository to the target machine (eg: Raspberry Pi)
  2. Get your authtoken from ngrok website
  3. Inspect and modify the configuration file ngrok.yml, by default this config will use Asia Pacific region to serve both HTTP and TCP tunnels
  4. Run sudo ./install.sh <your_authtoken>, replace <your_authtoken> with the token you've obtained before from ngrok website.
  5. You're good to go!


Fork of: https://github.com/vincenthsu/systemd-ngrok