A simple easy to use library that lets you edit pictures on the fly with easy. Photo filter lets you apply a large number of filters all while maintaining maximum image quality. Supports Android 2.3 and higher.
Integrating the library into you app is extremely easy. A few changes in the build gradle and your all ready to user Runtime permissions library. Make the following changes to build.gradle inside you app.
dependencies {
compile 'com.mukesh:photofilter:1.0.0'
Okay seems like you integrated the library in your project but how do you use it? Well its really easy just follow the steps below.
ImageProcessor imageProcessor = new ImageProcessor();
That's pretty much it and your all wrapped up.
- doHighlightImage
- doInvert
- doGreyScale
- doGamma
- doColorFilter
- createSepiaToningEffect
- decreaseColorDepth
- createContrast
- rotate
- doBrightness
- applyGaussianBlur
- createShadow
- sharpen
- applyMeanRemoval
- smooth
- emboss
- engrave
- boost
- roundCorner
- waterMark
- flip
- tintImage
- applyFleaEffect
- applyBlackFilter
- applySnowEffect
- applyShadingFilter
- applySaturationFilter
- applyHueFilter
- applyReflection
- replaceColor
You can check out more results here