
Use natural language to interact with PowerShell

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Use natural language to interact with PowerShell. Powered by OpenAI.

Inspiration: https://github.com/microsoft/Codex-CLI


NOTE: Nothing is perfect! Read and check the commands thoroughly before you run them. Treat the AI generated commands as commands you find on the internet (because they are commands from the internet). Do not run a command that you do not understand.


Convert Natural-Language to PowerShell Commands

PS> # Get a list of the 5 most CPU intensive processes

Hit Ctrl + Insert

PS> Get-Process | Sort-Object CPU -Descending | Select-Object -First 5    # Get a list of the 5 most CPU intensive processes

Get an Explanation for a PowerShell Command

PS> Get-Command | Get-Random | Get-Help -Full

Hit Ctrl + Insert

PS> Get-Command | Get-Random | Get-Help -Full   # Retrieve a random command and display its full help information.


1. Clone this repository

gh repo clone Shresht7/NLPowerShell


git clone https://github.com/Shresht7/NLPowerShell.git

2. Import this module

Import-Module -Name <Path\To\This\Module>

NOTE: If you add it to a $PSModulePath (either directly, by installing or by symlinking it), you can Import-Module by using the module name (i.e. Import-Module -Name NLPowerShell). PowerShell will automatically import any modules in $PSModulePath if you use any provided cmdlet (like Set-NLPowerShellConfig below).

NOTE: Adding the import to your $PROFILE will automatically import the module on startup.

3. Call Set-NLPowerShellConfig to initialize the config file.

Set-NLPowerShellConfig -API_KEY (Read-Host "API_KEY" -AsSecureString)

4. Reload PowerShell and Import the module again (to register the key-handler)

Import-Module <Path\To\This\Module>

5. Press Ctrl + Insert to invoke the natural-language handler.

  • PS> # Get a list of markdown files Ctrl + Insert
PS> Get-ChildItem -Path . -Filter "*.md"    # Get a list of markdown files
  • PS> Get-Date Ctrl + Insert
PS> Get-Date    # Get the current date

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License