A super simple CLI application to display inspirational quotes in the terminal.
quotes --filepath ./quotes.csv --border "-" --border-color red
Wise is the man who knows he knows nothing.
-- Socrates
Usage: quotes [SUBCOMMAND] [OPTIONS]
random Show a random quote
get <id> Get a specific quote by ID
help Show the help message
version Show the version number
-f, --filepath <path> Path to the CSV file containing quotes (default: quotes.csv)
-c, --color The text color
--author-color The color to use for the author
-m, --margin <number> The number of lines to leave as margin (default: 1)
-b, --border <char> Border character (default: '=')
--border-color <color> Color for the border (default: 'default')
--no-borders Disables borders
--no-color / --plain Plain output
-h, --help Show the help message
-v, --version Show the version number
quotes random
quotes --margin 2 --color cyan