
A command-line interface for when you need randomness

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A command-line interface for when you need some randomness. Generate random strings and numbers, flip a coin, roll dice, or select one of many.

📖 Usage

random [COMMAND] [FLAGS]

Use the help command (or --help, -h flag) to see more details. random help or random --help or random [COMMAND] --help.

🖋 Commands

Command Description
select Select one entry from a list randomly
number Generate a random number
string Generate a random string
uuid Generate a random UUID/GUID
toss Toss a coin
roll Roll a die
shuffle Shuffles the given list

💻 Select

Randomly select one entry from a list.

random select [...ENTRIES]


Takes a variable amount of arguments representing the list of all entries.

random select one two three four five ...

Can also accept input from a redirected stdin.

gh repo list | random select


  • --repeat, -r or --count, -c: Number of times to repeat the execution of this command.

  • --separator, -s or --delimiter, -d: Separator to use to format the results (default: \n)

gh repo list | random select --repeat 3


random select pizza burger pasta        # Selects either pizza, burger or pasta
gh repo list | random select            # Select one entry piped through stdin

💻 Number

Generate random numbers.

random number [NUM1] [NUM2]


[NUM1] and [NUM2] are optional positional parameters that determine the range within which to generate the number.

  • If both [NUM1] and [NUM2] are specified, the command generates a number between [NUM1] and [NUM2].
  • If only [NUM1] is specified, the command generates a number between 0 and [NUM1].
  • If no parameters are specified, the command generates a number between 0 and 1000.


  • --repeat, -r or --count, -c: Number of times to repeat the execution of this command.

  • --separator, -s or --delimiter, -d: Separator to use to format the results (default: \n)


random number                   # Generates a number between 0 and 1000
random number 5                 # Generates a number between 0 and 5
random number 5 15              # Generates a number between 5 and 15
random number 5 10 --repeat 5   # Generate 5 numbers between 5 and 15     

💻 String

Generate random strings using alphanumeric and special characters.

random string


  • --length, -l: Specify the length of the generated strings (default: 16).

  • --charset: Specify the character-set to use. options: lowercase, uppercase, alphabets, numbers, alphanumeric, special and all. If the charset is anything other than the specified options, the literal characters itself are used as the charset.

  • --repeat, -r or --count, -c: Number of times to repeat the execution of this command.

  • --separator, -s or --delimiter, -d: Separator to use to format the results (default: \n)


random string                           # Generates a random 16-character string
random string --length 8                # Generates a radom 8-character string
random string --length 8 --repeat 3     # Generates three 8-character strings


Generate a random UUID/GUID

random uuid
# or
random guid


random uuid   # Generates a random uuid
random guid   # Does the same thing. guid is an alias for uuid

💻 Toss

Generates a random boolean (50% chance to return true and false).

random toss


  • --weight, -w: Probabilistic weight of getting true (default: 0.5)

  • --coin: Reformats the result as Heads or Tails (instead of true or false)

  • --repeat, -r or --count, -c: Number of times to repeat the execution of this command.

  • --separator, -s or --delimiter, -d: Separator to use to format the results (default: \n)


random toss                         # Generates a random boolean
random toss --coin                  # Flip a coin
random toss --coin --repeat 3       # Toss three coins

💻 Roll

Roll a die.

random roll [DIE]


Roll die [DIE] accepts input in the {n}d{S}+X format; where {n} is the number of dice thrown and {S} is the number of sides each die has and {X} is the number to add to the result. (example: 3d8 - Three 8-sided die, 2d6+4 - Two 6-sided dice and add 4 to the result)

default: 1d20


  • --with-advantage, -a: Rolls the die with advantage. Takes the greatest value.

  • --with-disadvantage, -d: Rolls the die with disadvantage. Takes the smallest value.

  • --difficulty-check: Difficulty check. The rolls total must be higher than this value to succeed.


random roll                         # Rolls a 1d20
random roll 3d8 --with-advantage    # Rolls 3d8 with advantage
random roll 1d8+5                   # Rolls a 1d8 and adds 5
random roll 1d8+2d6+3               # Rolls 1d8 and 2d6 and adds 3 to the results
random roll 2d8 --difficulty-check 10 # Roll 2d8 and check against 10 

💻 Shuffle

Shuffles the given list.

random shuffle [...ENTRIES]


Takes a variable amount of arguments representing the list of all entries.

random shuffle one two three four five ...

Can also accept input from a redirected stdin.

gh repo list | random shuffle


  • --separator, -s or --delimiter, -d: Separator to use to format the results (default: \n)


random shuffle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9        # Shuffles the numbers 8 5 9 1 7 3 6 4 2
gh repo list | random shuffle           # Shuffles the repository list

📑 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.