
🏋️ Find out the cost of adding a new frontend dependency to your project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Know the performance impact of including an npm package in your app's bundle.


  • Works with ES6 packages
  • Can build css and scss packages as well
  • Reports historical trends

Built using bundlephobia

  • Size in browser - As seen on package searches at yarnpkg.com
  • bundlephobia-cli - A Command Line client for bundlephobia
  • importcost - An Atom plugin to display size of imported packages


1. Why does search for package X throw MissingDependencyError ?

This error is thrown if a package requires a dependency without adding it in its depdencies or peerDependencies list. In the absence of such a definition, we cannot reliably report the size of the package - since we cannot resolve any information about the package.

In such a case, it's best to report an issue with the package author asking the missing package to be added to its package.json

2. I see a BuildError for package X, but I'm not sure why.

You can see a detailed stack trace in your devtools console, and open an issue with the relevant details. Working on a more ideal solution for this.

Running locally


script description
yarn run dev Start a development server locally
yarn run build Build for production
yarn run prod Start a production server locally

Adding the necessary keys

Add a .env file to the root with Algolia credentials. The server should still run without this, but some features might be disabled.

# App Id for NPM Registry

# API Key

In addition, one can specify -


In the absence of such an endpoint, packages will be built locally using the getPackageStats function and



for caching to work (optional).