
Software Developer Portfolio

Primary LanguageHTML

Fall Semester 2020-21

ITE1008 Open Source Programming

Digital Assignment - 1

Prof. Jayakumar Sadhasivam

Topic: Case Study on GitHub Version Control

GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere.

  • Write down the step by step process of GitHub working methodology and different ways to access GitHub.
  • Host your Personal Portfolio in GitHub and provide the screenshot of the project and version history.
  • Write down the pros and cons of GitHub.
  • List down the features needs to be added in GitHub.
  • Compare the minimum of three version control applications.

Submission of Assignment

  • GitHub link must provide in the Assignment.

Note: Upload the digital assignment in VTOP before October 16th, 2020, else 0 marks will be awarded.

Further Queries:
Email: jayakumars@vit.ac.in
Mobile: 09488881826