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Simple web app that lets citizens report cases of corruption to the appropriate authorities. Users can also report on things that needs government intervention.

Required Features

  • Users can create an account
  • Users can log into their account
  • Users can make a red-flag or intervention record
  • Users can edit their red-flag or intervention record
  • Admin can change status of ared-flag or intervention record from under investigation, resolved or rejected.


  • Node JS
  • Express
  • Mocha & Chai
  • ESLint
  • Babel
  • Travis CI
  • Code Climate
  • Coveralls

Requirements and Installation

Install Node Js and Git

  • Node Js
  • Git

To run:

$ git clone
$ cd ireporter
$ npm install
$ npm start


$ npm test

Pivotal Tracker stories

View the pivotal tracker stories for this project here

Front-end Design

You can see a hosted version of the frontend at


The api endpoints are hosted on heroku. Visit to make requests to endpoints.

API Endpoints

All API endpoint must use the api/v1 prefix.

Endpoint Functionality
GET /red-flags Get all red-flags reports
GET /red-flags/<red-flag-id> Get the details of a specific red-flag
PATCH /red-flags/<red-flag-id>/location Edit the location of a red-flag report
PATCH /red-flags/<red-flag-id>/comment Edit the comment of a red-flag report
DELETE /red-flags/<red-flag-id> Delete a red-flag
GET /interventions Get all interventions reports
GET /interventions/<intervention-id> Get the details of a specific intervention
PATCH /interventions/<intervention-id>/location Edit the location of an intervention report
PATCH /interventions/<intervention-id>/comment Edit the comment of an intervention report
DELETE /interventions/<intervention-id> Delete an intervention
POST /interventions/ Creates a new intervention record
POST /red-flags/ Creates a new red-flag record
PATCH /interventions/<intervention-id>/status Change the status of an intervention report
PATCH /red-flags/<red-flag-id>/status Change the status of a red-flag report

API Documentation


Okosun Valentine Ejodamen