This is a clone of ajio .com which is well known e-comerce website .

Primary LanguageHTML


This project is a clone of http://www.ajio.com .ajio is a well known ecomerce company . Founded in 2016 by Mukesh Ambani.

Tech Stack : The tech Stack we used for creating this website are :-

Languages Used

  • Html
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Import Export Modules

Functional Things :

  • User Signup Popup/model.
  • User Login Popup/model.
  • Navbar Using Import Export Modules.
  • Products Page.
  • Quick View Popup/model
  • All types of Sort/Filter Functionality.
  • Add to cart Button.
  • Multiple Images view on Hovering over images on Products page & Quick view Page.

##Clone the repository

Github Clone - https://github.com/Shreyansh12Gupta/AJIO_CLONE


Blog link => https://medium.com/@abhijeethiwale0077/ajio-website-clone-5d5e8c1999d6


Clone link => https://rad-wisp-02436f.netlify.app


Link=> https://drive.google.com/file/d/11i_9lElRtnxBf_d19u7GQVKdVP70Nmmb/view?usp=sharing

Roles & Responsibilities :-

GitHub is Managed & Readme.md done by Shreyansh.

Navbar,product description ,page ,The Searchbar, sign in dropdown,designed& functioned by shreyash.

footer,kids,indie page, designed& functioned by shreyansh.

Landing page , customer page designed& functioned by Noorbasha.

Landing page, Mens page , womens page, designed& functioned by Ayush.

All products page and filter data designed & functioned by Abhijeet & also Blog created by Abhijeet.

Cart page,checkout page,Payment Page, order confirmed page, designed & functioned by Abhishek

Learning :-

We all became proficient in reading the code of team members.

Our code writing style became cleaner as we had to think while writing code that other team members will be reading.

We had to learn about many CSS properties that we didn't know before.

Our skills in JavaScript and DOM manipulation became better.

We all learned how to plan a project and execute that.


App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

                                             THANK YOU