
Task List and Timeline

  • Scene Setup : 30th, 5:30am
  • Tile generation and Camera position : 30th, 6:30 am
  • Snake movement : 30th, 7:00am
  • Snake controller : 30th, 7:30am
  • Snake animations : 30th, 8:00am

------------------- Classes : 8:00 am to 7:00pm --------------------

  • Tile Color Change : 30th, 7:30pm
  • Pizza Spawn and Collect : 30th, 8:00pm
  • UI start, pause, play : 30th, 9:00pm

The game should be done by now, polishing after this stage

------------------- Polishing ----------------------------------------

  • Particle effects : 30th, 10:00pm
  • Physics Based Animations (if allowed) : 30th, 11:00pm
  • Better assets : 30th, 12:00pm

Final Result