About Me

Graduate student in "Scientific Computing" with comprehensive knowledge in data analysis and deep learning, high performance computing, numerical simulations. Extensive work experience as an automotive design engineer.

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Question_Answering_T5_BioASQ transformers, Python (PyTorch, PyTorch lightning, Tensorboard, sklearn, NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib libraries) BioASQ dataset was used to finetue and evaluate the performance of the pretrained t5-base model from huggingface transformers for question answering task
Sentiment Classifier using pretrained BERT model transformers, google_play_scraper, Python (PyTorch, sklearn, NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn and Matplotlib libraries) Reviews scraped from the Google Play top 10 apps in productivity category was categorized into Positive, Negative and Neutral reviews using pre trained BERT model from huggingface
Parallel Numerical Linear Algebra (PNLA) library for solving linear system of equations c++, openMP, cmake, Doxygen, slurm PCG solver for solving the Linear Equation System arising from different physical problems. CRS matrix storage and OpenMP was used. Effective scaling observed for a system of ~ 2.5 million unknowns when run on multiple threads
Image classification using resnet9 model Python (PyTorch, NumPy, and Matplotlib libraries) Used data normalization, data augmentation and regularization techniques to classify the images of the CIFAR-10 with an accuracy of ~ 91% in <5 mins
Similar document retrieval Python (turicreate, sklearn, nltk, Pandas, NumPy, seaborn and Matplotlib libraries) Clustering and information retrieval using nearest neighbor algorithm on a subset of wikipedia corpus
Analyzing product sentiment Python (turicreate, sklearn, Pandas, nltk, NumPy, seaborn and Matplotlib libraries) Classified the reviews based on bag-of-words(word count) and TF-IDF transformation with only top and bottom scoring words and compared the results with the complete superset of words
Personalized song recommendations Python (turicreate, Pandas, sklearn, NumPy, and Matplotlib libraries) Collaborative filtering and matrix factorization techniques were adapted to build an optimal and personalized song recommender
Simple Text generation using GPT-2 transformers, PyTorch Top-p sampling technique used to generate one or multiple texts of given sequcence length based on the input prompt text
Programming, Data Analysis, and Deep Learning in Python (Offered by "Serious Games Chair" by Prof. Dr. Jörg Müller WS 2020/21) Python (Keras, sklearn, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib libraries) Application of some interesting sub topics covered during the lectures and extension of some assignment problems
Linear Regression from scratch Python (sklearn(for loading datasets), Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib libraries) Implemented all the functions required for model to perform both forward and backward propogation and evaluated the model on house price prediction of data from "Boston housing" dataset . Considered gradient descent algorithm for optimization and MSE as the loss function
Logistic_Regression_From_scratch Python (sklearn(for loading datasets), Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib libraries) Implemented all the functions required for model to perform both forward and backward propogation and evaluated the model on multiclass classification of data from "Iris" dataset . Considered gradient descent algorithm for optimization and cross entropy as the loss function