Compilers-2 Project
The Lexer and Parser generate a Parse tree for the input files. Correct test cases programs are provided in the test_cases folder. The error_test_cases folder contains programs with syntax errors. To generate JAVA files from the grammar files use the make command along with input_file_name from the root directory of the project folder. The generated files are stored in java folder(Lexer_Parser/src/java). Refer to makefile function in Whitepaper for more details. The command for testing an input file is given below.
For example, the below command generates the parse tree for graph.dr program in the test_cases folder.
$ make f=test_cases/graph.dr
To delete the files generated during the above step use: $ make clean
The prerequisites required are:
- JAVA (Version 1.6 or higher)
- ANTLR4 (Version antlr-4.8)
For all the antlr commands to work and for all the files to compile, download antlr packages using the quickstart commands in the following link: