Buggernaut Logo

Buggernaut bridges the gap between you and the users of your app, providing a way for them to report any bugs they find in it

This is the repository for the backend application of Buggernaut. Click here to go to the frontend repository.

Setup instructions (for local server only):

  • Clone this repository to a folder on your device.
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt (using Python version 3.6.9 in virtual environment).
  • From root directory of project execute the following commands:
    • cd configuration/
    • cp base_stencil.yml base.yml
    • Fill out correct values to the given fields. NOTE: ALL VALUES ARE REQUIRED FOR THE APP TO WORK
  • To set up the database:
    • In MySQL, first create your database.
    • Run the command: ALTER DATABASE databasename CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; where databasename is the name of your database.
  • In the root directory of the project run:
    • python3 manage.py makemigrations to create tables in the database
    • python3 manage.py migrate to apply the newest database representation to the app
    • python3 populate.py to populate the database with tags provided by default. It will then allow you to enter any new tags you'd like to create in the form of space separated words
    • redis-server
    • python manage.py runserver to... run the server! It will automatically start an ASGI/Channels version 2.4.0 development server at
  • Buggernaut allows you to associate tags with issues. You must populate the database with tags from for them to show up at the frontend.
  • You are ready to use the app! Bon testing :)