
A Java implementation of Simple HTTP Web Client(/Web Browser) and a Multithreaded Web Server.

Primary LanguageJava

* CSE 5344 – Computer Networks Project 1 Web Proxy Server

* Author:Shreyas Mohan

A Java implementation of Simple HTTP Web Client(/Web Browser) and a Multithreaded Web Server.

Development Tools:

  1. Programming Language: Java (jdk 11.0.1)
  2. IDE: Eclipse Photon
  3. OS: Windows 10
  4. Command Line Interface: Windows command prompt used to run/test the program

Directory Structure

  1. server: Contains Web Server implementation

    • WebServer.java: Implements a mulithreaded server and initializes a serverSocket to listens to the client requests. Once a client is connected, the processing is handed over to a separate thread HttpRequest.Default Port number is set to 8081
    • HttpRequest.java: Request is handled by this method in a separate thread
    • index.html: A default html file which is sent to the client in case a GET request contains "/" filepath i.i if no file path is mentioned.
    • demo2.html: A additional html file which can be requested to display.
  2. client: Contains Client Implementation

    • WebClient.java: Implements a web client which sends a HTTP request to the server. It mentions the host name,port number and path to be requested.

Compile & Run Instructions (Run on Eclipse):

  1. Compile and execute WebServer.java (Port is set to 8081)

  2. Compile and execute WebClient.java You can pass the arguments in the following fashion- i. hostname (localhost) ii.hostname portNumber (localhost 8081) iii. hostname portnumebr filePath (localhost 8081 server/demo2.html)

  3. You can also send the request through web browser in the following manner- i. localhost:8081 ii.localhost:8081/demo2.html

    Cached files are stored in the main folder.

Compile & Run Instructions (Run on Windows cmd prompt):

  1. Compile all server and client code located in separate directories.
    cd server
    javac *.java
    cd client
    javac *.java

  2. Run web server in server directory.

    java WebServer

  3. Run web client in client directory by passing at least one argument i.e. serverHost/IP address. Other optional arguments are port and the path of the file to request from the server.

    •   java WebClient localhost
    •   java WebClient localhost 8081
    •  java WebClient localhost server/demo2.html
  4. All requested file paths must be relative to the HttpRequest.java class. If not, 404 error will be returned.


  1. Book: Computer Networking. A Top Down Approach. Fifth Edition by James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross. Chapter 2.
  2. Thread Tutorial from Oracle 3.Reference: Computer Network Textbook by Kurose and Ross: Chapter 2 Socket Assignment 1
  3. Socket Communications from Oracle
  4. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/socket-programming-in-java/
  5. https://www.binarytides.com/java-socket-programming-tutorial/