- JWT -> Json Web Token
- Stores the user information (session)
- Sends back the Session-Id
- Session-Id is stored in the form of cookies as key-value pairs
- Stateful-Protocol -> Saves the information at the backend
- Less secure as the user is already authorized by the server
- Authorization managed by the server side
- No session information is stored at the backend
- A private key (JWT) is initialized and given back to client side
- Token is stored in the web local storage & is passed with the header
- It is validated by the server with the signature(SECRET_KEY)
- make_response -> to make the response
- request -> to receive the response
- render_template -> to generate a output form
- jsonify -> to convert the data into json
- wraps
- wraps() is a decorator that is applied to the wrapper function of a decorator.
- A decorator is a function that takes in another function as a parameter and then returns a function
- Decorators provide a simple syntax for calling higher-order functions
- Generating secret keys
import os print(os.urandom(12)) >> b'3\x94\\\xa7NkN\xa2\xbc\x88\x11\x07'
import uuid print(uuid.uuid4().hex) >> ac5eaa702ff643e28cc2d2821b47c342
import secrets print(secrets.token_urlsafe(12)) >> O-sMS8yAgxWAMTIG
python app.py
URL: OP: Input form if not logged in already else input form
URL: OP: { "message": "This is for the public" } Remark: Always available as its a public url
- Token missing
URL: OP: { "Alert!": "Token is missing.." } Remark: Token is not included in the header
- Invalid token
URL: OP: { "Alert!": "Token is invalid" } Remark: Token is included in the header but not a valid one
- Valid token
URL:{some real token} OP: { "message": "This is for the authorized, Token is validated" } Remark: Token is included in the header and a valid one