
Make your first contribution for Hacktoberfest in the simplest way

Primary LanguageHTML

HacktoberFest Beginner Project

Make your first contribution for Hacktoberfest in the simplest way.

This is an open source project on Github. Here you can practice making your first Pull Request to a public repository before doing a more complex contribution.

This public repository is open to all members of the Github Community.

Hacktoberfest Details

Hacktoberfest is a month long programming celebration from October 1st - October 31st sponsored by Digital Ocean and Github to get people involved in open source. Create your Hacktoberfest account with your Github sign in information and begin making your contributions.


How You Can Contribute to This Project

Formatting to follow for profile and hello_world is below under Format

  1. Add your Profile Page in the respective Profiles-Year directory
  2. In your preferred language create a simple Hello World script in the respective Hello-World-Year directory

-Even if you don't want to code Hello World in your preferred language because it's already done, please still contribute your piece. Your way of writing in a language may differ from another person's way.

Make a Pull Request for your changes and wait to be merged.

How to Begin

  1. Fork this repository

  2. Clone your fork down to your local environment

git clone https://github.com/your-username/hacktoberfest17-beginner.get
  1. Create a branch
git checkout -b your-branch-name
  1. Make your addition to the Profile and Hello World directories

  2. Commit and Push your changes

git add .
git commit -m 'commit message'
git push origin your-branch-name
  • Create a new Pull Request from your forked repository, click the New Pull Request button located at the top of your repository
  • Wait for you PR to be reviewed and merge approval
  • Star this repository if you had fun!


* Profile Page

Name of File: FirstName_LastName.md

# First and Last Name

### Location
Your City, State, Country

### Associated Organization
- List of Associated Organizations
- List of Associated Organizations

### Academics
- List of Education
- List of Education

### Non-Coding Interests
- List of interests
- List of interests

### Why Do You Love Coding?
Your statement of why you love Coding

### Your Favorite Animal
Whatever that may be

### Your Favorite Dessert
Whatever that may be

* Hello World Page

Please create your own file and add your hello world script. Do not alter other user's hello world scripts. Thank you

Name of File: hello_world_firstinitiallastname.preferred language written

example: hello_world_mkowalski.rb
// AUTHOR: Malind Kowalski
// GITHUB: https://github.com/mekowalski

puts 'Hello, World!'