
Batch replace the sound bytes and text in Super Mario Wonder

Primary LanguageC#

About This Program

TalkingFlowerRepacker is a commandline utility I made to quickly generate matching text and voice files for Super Mario Wonder.
Right now, it's only useful for the US English voices/text for the talking flower, but can be expanded for use with other things.

How It Works

It works by patching your RSTB (Resource Size Table) file (from romfs\System\Resource) to remove all the flower-related size entries, allowing unlimited filesizes.
Then, it generates a new SARC from your input romfs\Mals\USen.Product.100.sarc.zs file, containing your custom text.
Finally, it generates replacements for the streaming audio BWAV files in romfs\Voice\Resource\USen\Voice\ with your custom WAVs.


  1. Have a romfs dump of Super Mario Wonder's v1.0.0 files
  2. Save your custom WAV files to the program's .\Dependencies\Wav folder (must be 16-bit Uncompressed PCM, use Audacity)
  3. Right click the .\Dependencies\brstm_converter-clang-amd64.exe and choose Properties. Check the Compatibility Mode box
    (only have to do this once, otherwise 0 BWAV byte files will be generated)
  4. Edit .\Dependencies\TalkFlower_Placement.msbt.tsv and .\Dependencies\TalkFlower_VoiceOnly.msbt.tsv in a text editor.

Editing Text

.tsv is a tab-separated-value text document format. Meaning, each line is a "row" and each "cell" is separated by tab characters (\t).

  • The first cell is the "label" of the voice line. You don't want to change this, since this will be used when remaking the MSBT file.
  • The second cell is the "text" of the voice line. Change this to whatever you want, preferably something that matches the next cell.
  • The third cell is the path to the .WAV to use for that line.
    Wav path is relative to the Wavs folder in the dependencies folder.
    (i.e. .\MyWavs\Sound002.wav if it's in .\Dependencies\Wav\MyWavs\Sound002.wav)

Running the Program

  1. Open the command prompt at the location of the program
  2. Write the path to your input RSTB and message SARC (example below) then hit Enter
    TalkingFlowerRepacker.exe "C:\Path\To\ResourceSizeTable.Product.100.rsizetable.zs" "C:\Path\To\USen.Product.100.sarc.zs"


  • Hardcoded to only work with USen files (message SARC and flower voices) for now
  • Doesn't auto-remove extra files used to repack SARC from output directory yet
  • Game might still crash sometimes for unknown reasons when encountering a flower. Try making your audio clips shorter than the originals.
