
ngx-banners is an angular component that allows you to create a banner with multiple options.

MIT LicenseMIT


ngx-banners is an angular component that allows you to create a banner with multiple options.


npm i ngx-banners


Import NgxBannerModule to your main module, for example, to app.module.ts:

   import { NgxBannerModule } from 'ngx-banners';
     imports: [

Using inside target component:

  [bannerText]="My banner works!" 
  [buttonText]="Click Me!" 

Properties and Defaults:

showBanner: boolean = false; // banner will only show when true
bannerText: string = ''; // text shown in the banner
buttonText: string = ''; // text shown in the button. will only show if onClick is defined
duration: number = 0; // if 0 it will show until user dismisses. duration in ms
onClick: (() => void) | null = null; // if onClick is null, the button will not show


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
