Porridge Password Storage and Verification

This Python script, "porridge-store_verify.py", provides a simple command-line interface for storing and verifying passwords using the Porridge library.


Storing a Password

To store a password, use the following command:

python porridge-store_verify.py store [password] [key] [secret]
  • [password]: Password to be stored.
  • [key]: Key for the password.
  • [secret]: Secret for the password.

Verifying a Stored Password

To verify a stored password, use the following command:

python porridge-store_verify.py verify [password] [key] [secret]
  • [password]: Password to be verified.
  • [key]: Key for the stored password.
  • [secret]: Secret for the stored password.


Storing a Password

python porridge-store_verify.py store mypassword mykey mysecret

Verifying a Stored Password

python porridge-store_verify.py verify mypassword mykey mysecret


Porridge: The Porridge library for password storage and verification.

pip install porridge


The stored passwords are saved in the "pseudo_db.file" file. Make sure to handle the "pseudo_db.file" file securely to prevent unauthorized access.