This python code is a security camera program using USB Web Cam
. in this product. The system output the avi video which is captured with difference extraction
- Strong Reduction of its SD memory occupation with
difference extraction
Technology. - Reporting a daily bulletin through on Gmail.
- Supervise the main program by
- Delete one week ago camera data automatically.
- Raspberry pi 3
- ubuntu16.04
- Python 3.x
- Opencv
- Web Camera x2
- image size adjust heght and width variables.
Set the email infomation to send a daily report through on gmail.
from_email = "" # 送信元のアドレス
to_email = "" # 送りたい先のアドレス
username = "" # Gmailのアドレス
password = "mygmailpassword" # Gmailのパスワード
and you have to lower its Google Security level (if not doing that, you can't send email from gmail and recieve the security alart mail from google).
$ python3
This program provides three function,Reporting on gmail,deleting one week ago camera data, program activity check (every one hour).
$ python3