
Easy and fast setup for Grafana

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

An easy-to-use, high-performance Graphite + Grafana service

  • When running on linux logs size and go-carbon-storage folder can be infinitely increasing, keep an good eye! (I'm working on a fix for this). Disabling exporting should fix this already, windows should not have this issue.


  • Docker-Compose
  • Node (any version)


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm install to install dependencies


  1. Update all .example files and/or folders to match your needs. This step is not required if you are using the default setup.
  2. Add your own Grafana variables in grafanaConfig/.env.grafana. This file will be updated after a volume reset.

User Setup

  1. Remove all users from the setup
  2. Add users in the following format:


"username": "PandaMaster",
"type": "mmo",
"shards": ["shard0"],
"token": "TOKEN_FOR_THIS_USER!",

B. Private:

"username": "W1N1",
"type": "private",
"shards": ["screeps"],
"password": "password",

If the private server is not hosted on localhost, add the host to the user:

"username": "W1N1",
"type": "private",
"shards": ["screeps"],
"password": "password",
"host": "123.456.789",

If the segment of the stats is not memory, add it to the user:

"username": "W1N1",
"type": "private",
"shards": ["screeps"],
"password": "password",
"host": "123.456.789",
"segment": 0,

Grafana Environment Variables Add any env variables you want to modify. Currently, there is no URL for the documentation of all variables.

Run Commands

  • --grafanaPort: port for Grafana to run on
  • --serverPort: port for push-stats to look for a server on
  • --grafanaType: type of Grafana to run (mmo or private). If not included, it will run a normal Grafana instance.
  • --relayPort: port for relay to run on (default is 2003)
  • --disablePushGateway: disable the push gateway
  • --force: force the non .example config files to be overwritten.
  • --deleteLogs: deletes the logs folder
  • --deleteWhsiper: deletes the carbon whsiper folder
  • --debug: listen to setup Docker logs
  • --username: overwrite the username for the admin user
  • --password: overwrite the password for the admin user
  • --defaultRetention: overwrite the default retention for the default retention policy, path stats & screeps (screepsUserStats) are not affected by this.
  • --enableAnonymousAccess: enable anonymous access to Grafana
  • --includePushStatusApi: include the push-status-api in the setup


  • npm run start:mmo for the International MMO dashboard.
  • npm run start:private for performance server dashboards to use when the admin-utils mod and/or server-stats mod is installed.
  • For custom run commands, check out package.json for instructions on how to run them.

Go to localhost:3000 and login with admin and password.

By default, stats are gathered from users every minute. If the mod screepsmod-server-stats

Its possible to use https for your grafana instance, check out this tutorial for example on how to do this, enough info online about it.