
Rollup Plugin for publishing your code to a Screeps server with support for Unified Credentials File

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rollup Screeps Plugin


npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-screeps-ss3


In rollup.config.js

import screeps from "rollup-plugin-screeps-ss3";


export default {
  sourcemap: true, // If set to true your source maps will be made screeps friendly and uploaded

  plugins: [

Yaml Config File

rollup-plugin-screeps-ss3 now uses the screeps unified credentials file, as used by screeps-api.

Example .screeps.yaml config file:

    host: screeps.com
    secure: true
    token: '00000000-0a0a-0a00-000a-a0000a0000a0'
    port: 21025
    secure: false
    username: bob
    password: password123

Target server default to main, it can be selected with screeps({ server: 'my-server' }) or the environment variable $SCREEPS_SERVER.

Branch (aka the destination folder on screeps server) default to auto, it can be select with screeps({ branch: 'my-branch' }) or the environment variable $SCREEPS_BRANCH.

JS Config File

rollup-plugin-screeps-ss3 still support the json config file.

  "email": "you@domain.tld",
  "password": "pass",
  "protocol": "https",
  "hostname": "screeps.com",
  "port": 443,
  "path": "/",
  "branch": "auto"

It change be loaded from a file with screeps({ configFile: './screeps.json' }) or direct as value with screeps({ config: my_config }).

If branch is set to "auto" rollup-plugin-screeps-ss3 will use your current git branch as the name of the branch on screeps, if you set it to anything else that string will be used as the name of the branch.