
Please note that the existence of the memes folder located in node-backend/public is necessary in order to store the generated memes.

Additional npm dependencies are listed here and can be installed in the appropriate folder using the npm i xxx command.


  1. bcryptjs - incorporate a salt to encrypt password
  2. cors - allow a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources
  3. jsonwebtoken - secure communication
  4. mongoose - database
  5. multer - process form which is multipart (upload files)
  6. node-notifier - show notifications


  1. @react-oauth/google - google authentication
  2. @uiw/react-color-chrome - color picker
  3. axios - handle requests
  4. bootstrap - components
  5. file-saver - download
  6. react-bootstrap - navbar
  7. react-canvas-draw - draw on canvas
  8. react-icons - icons
  9. react-router-dom - navigation
  10. react-table - table
  11. reactjs-popup - popup component
  12. recharts - charts