

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Breast Cancer

###Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in or around the breast tissue, mainly in the milk ducts and glands. A tumor usually starts as a lump or calcium deposit that develops as a result of abnormal cell growth. It’s important to understand that most breast lumps are benign and not cancer (malignant).

Malingnat-->0 && Benign-->1 for computation

About Project:-

Can We Predict that a person has whether a benign or malingnat tumor?

Answer is Yess!!! This is a project on predicting whether a person has a benign or malingnat tumor in breast_cancer_sklearn_dataset using Machine learning Algorithm.This project is tested over lot of ml models. Out of these models Logistic Regression performed very well giving an 91% Score. . To increase Accuracy of algotithm, I have done hyperparameter tuning using GridSearchCV modeule and get score of 94%.

Testing Values:-

Case:- Benign


Case:- Malignant


Tech Stack:-

  • UI/UX: Streamlit
  • IDE: Jupyter notebook, VsCode
  • Deployment: Heroku

How to run this app:-

  • First create a virtual environment by using this command:
  • conda create -n myenv python=3.6
  • Activate the environment using the below command:
  • conda activate myenv
  • Then install all the packages by using the following command
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Now for the final step. Run the app
  • streamlit run app.py


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