A middleware api gateway to detect spam/abusive requests and accordingly responding with decoy or original servers.
This repo is divided in majorly 6 section :
- Admin : Its has the admin panel client created with reactjs.
- Client Demo : It has a demo client working with demo server, also created with reactjs.
- Demo Server : It has a basic expressJS server to demonstrate the use of gateway.
- Gateway : It consist of the main gateway and the admin worker to configure that.
- Test : Contains some testing routes for the gateway.
You may find the setups of each section inside their respective folders/README.md
- Gateway hosted at : https://juspay.shubhamgeek.xyz/
- Admin Panel : https://vb-admin.web.app/
- Finger Printer : https://juspay-shubham-kumar-2000.vercel.app/
- Admin worker hosted at : https://production.admin.unlink.workers.dev
- Demo Client : https://vibranium-sheild.web.app/
- Demo Dummy Server hosted at : https://p805l9j9t1.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod
- Demo Original Server hosted at :